A year has just passed since we introduced our new project – Locus Map 4. And since we are not really into those classic anniversary parties, we want to celebrate this event with you in a somewhat unconventional way – by introducing some major new features:
- Import and satellite maps on the web
- New options for purchasing Premium features
- Locus Map Pro is now Locus Map 3 Classic
News on the web
Import routes and points
Finally, for many of you, there’s a crucial piece of functionality. It took a long time, as it was not easy for us – you are used to importing not only routes, but also points or combinations of them from the mobile app. All this also in multiple numbers. All of this is now possible in the web planner as well.
You can start the import using the button, or by simply dragging the GPX file directly onto the map (you need to be logged in for this to work):

The web application then gives you a choice of what you want to save from the imported file to the library:
Then click “Save”, select the folders for routes and points separately and you’re done (but you can only save with the Premium Gold package activated).
LoMap or aerial view?
We recently introduced global satellite maps to Locus Map on mobile. Now we’ve done the same on the web. You can now choose between cycling/touring LoMap or aerial/satellite imagery to plan your routes or view your trips.

Dynamic LoPoints are of course displayed over both. This takes the comfort of trip planning one step further again.
The maps show data from Here and Maxar and can be zoomed down to level 18.
In addition to subscriptions – the one-time payments
You all probably understand that all the gadgets and new services we have been throwing at you for a year now cost a lot of money.
Still, we know that paying for premium features as a subscription is not popular with some of you.
That’s why we have prepared one-time payments for you. You pay for a specific period of time, the Premium Services are activated, the period expires, and the app returns to the basic state. No automatic payment renewal, you are in full control:
Premium for 3 months
If you’re a fan of summer-only outdoor activities, this plan is for you. On this plan, you’ll only pay for Premium features for the peak outdoor season of the year, when you’re guaranteed the best weather and longest daylight hours. So ideal for hiking and biking.
Of course, you can use the same plan in winter, when the cross-country skiing and skialp season is in full swing. Anyway, it’s up to you, you can start the 3-month Premium at any time.
Premium for 1 year
This is the plan of choice for die-hard outdoorsmen who want to be in full control of the payments for their hobby. Just pay once, you’re set for a year and you don’t have to deal with automatic renewal.
Try Premium for 14 days for free
So you don’t buy into the hype, you can try the premium app for FREE. You have a full 14 days to do so, so if you time it right, you’ll be able to make it through two weekends. The trial is included with annual Silver and Gold subscriptions. If you cancel your subscription before the end of the trial period, it won’t cost you a cent.
Can I switch from a subscription to a one-time purchase and vice versa?
Yes, we have several transition scenarios, all of which have one thing in common – they are always fair to you.
For example, if you have an annual Silver subscription and want a three-month one-time Gold for the summer, your subscription will not be deactivated, but instead extended by the three months you use Gold. So you won’t lose a day of the subscribed features.
Or, if you are switching from an unfinished three-month one-time Silver to an annual Gold subscription, the remaining unused funds will be used to extend the annual period pro-rata.

All options for one-off purchases, subscriptions, and transitions between them can be found directly in the app under the “Go Premium” menu.
Locus Map Pro changes to Locus Map 3 Classic
Throughout the year we’ve been explaining to our users that Locus Map 4 and Locus Map Pro are developed and maintained in two different projects. However, we are aware that the name of the older application containing the word “Pro” may evoke the opposite impression, especially for new users, that Locus Map 4 is an older or lower-end application.
That’s why we decided to rename the original Locus Map Pro application to Locus Map 3 Classic.
The number 3 in the title refers to the number series of the original “Pro” application, which we are now releasing in version 3.59. The word “Classic” conveys the feeling of “good old”, reliable, and time-tested software.

Some of our users are rejecting the novelty of the 4th series of the app. For example, they are used to the original user interface. Locus Map 3 Classic is primarily for them, and we will continue to maintain and update it so that it works seamlessly on the latest versions of the Android operating system.
For those who want to take advantage of our latest gadgets, there’s Locus Map 4, which in Premium Silver includes the same features as Locus Map 3 Classic, plus a lot more.
importLocus Map ClassicLocus Map Promapsnew releasenewssatellite mapweb planner
Hello. Approximately, when will it be possible to pay for your paid subscriptions in the Russian Federation? Since restrictions on the swift system have been introduced in Russia, I would like to know what exactly is being done for us, lovers of an active lifestyle. I believe that politics and sports should not be interconnected.
We at Locus Map team enjoy trying to make everyone happy with our product and we try to have our little share of making the world a better place in the process. We have no sympathy at all for anyone who violates this passion of ours. The sanctions are an attempt of other countries to make a wake-up call for you, Russians. Until the majority of your citizens realize what horrors your country is currently doing and act accordingly, we will for sure not go against the sanctions. Rather quite opposite if we find out how else our app might help with reducing support for such aggression in your country.
You may not realize this, but also our own country among others is being targeted by a “hybrid war” from the Kremlin for years already, so any attempt to deny the facts here will be immediately deleted. We know at what level of disinformation you live but that is no excuse anymore.
We apologize to fellow users for deleting other comments regarding this topic that are not directly related to our app. We would welcome a discussion on how our app might help in this case, but we don’t want to have a general discussion about the war under our topics. Thanks for understanding.
Great answer. Everybody can do his own small piece to stop aggression in Ukraine. At least to fight against Russian government's disinformation by spreading truth among his neighbours. Finding of nonstandard way for payments from Russia will require lot of effort... and can be even dangerous.
Huge respect to Locus team for this answer!
We should leave politics out of this
But the fact is that locus subscriptions and payments are done through the google payment system as it is an android app. So google payment not being available in russia is down to sanctions. Its not on the shoulders of locus to break international law, and spend time and the resources of users to come up with alternative payment methods, even if that were possible. Other users who use the huawei store and amazon store have asked, and it is not possible.
When the war is over, and trade sanctions removed, google will allow payment again, in the mean time you should use locus classic instead.
So Олег, in answer to your question
when the war is over....
Locus may be used by soldiers both during training and on the battlefield, so it's up to the Locus team to decide what their value hierarchy is and whom they support by their (in)action. You can make an update to block Locus from working within specified coordinate ranges. You will get more subscribers with publicity about this.
Hallo Locus Map Team,
bin seit langer Zeit Locus Map Nutzer und bin natürlich auch auf die Version 4 gewechselt. Kaum eine App begeistert mich so sehr wie LM4 und seine Möglichkeit der Nutzung bei meinen Aktivitäten. Zu einem guten Produkt sollten man auch nicht den sehr guten Service unerwähnt lassen, so dass dieses Paket in seiner Nutzung abgerundet wirkt.
Locus Map ist wie ein guter Wein, je länger man es nutzt desto besser wird es. Alles Gute zum 1 Jährigen bestehen von Locus Map 4
LG Richard
Thanks Richard for your kind words!
Ich bin einer von denen die ein Abo nicht eingeht. Einmal bezahlen und gut ist. Aber die Nutzung der alten Karte sollte weiterhin möglich sein was so wie ich es sehe nicht mehr möglich ist. Ich verstehe leider nicht warum sattelite Karten soviel Geld kosten sollen da sie ja auch auch googleearth kostenlos sind. Das entzieht sich einfach meiner Kenntnis.
Auch Funktionen die bei Locus 3 immer da sind Kosten auf einmal bei 4 Geld. Es sind Funktionen die ich benötige. Deswegen kommt ein Umstieg für mich nicht in Frage Aber trotzdem ein FETTES Lob das Locus 3 so bleibt wie es ist. Ich habe ja schließlich auch dafür bezahlt, eben weil es gute Arbeit ist die das Team da gemacht hat. Ich hätte ja auch weiterhin die kostenlose Version nutzen können. Aber verdient ist verdient.
Und die Karte die ich nutze zahlt man einmal und hat für ein ganzes Jahr Updates. So kann ich sie auch nach Ablauf immer noch nutzen. Ende des Jahres werde ich sie dann wieder erneuern. So finde ich es gut.
Genauso sehe ich es auch. Ich möchte von Jahr zu Jahr neu entscheiden, ob ich ein neues Feature kaufe und neuen Support erhalte oder die alte Version weiter nutze. Lieber bezahle ich bei positiver Entscheidung mehr, als das ich ein Abo bestelle, bei dem die Kündigung dazu führt, dass die App an Funktionsmerkmalen verliert.
Hi, greatest App I experienced for years! Congratulations! However, I have one problem: I wanted to test the new satellite maps with the free 14 days trial license - but it says I already used the 14 days trial ... I think that's because In tried LM4 indeed before I purchased my yearly Silver abonnement last year.
Any chance to get a 14 days trial for testing before potentially upgrading?
Best regards Daniel
Hi Daniel, please contact our support at https://help.locusmap.eu/ticket/add and send your Locus Store account address. We'll check it out.
@ The Last Baby Bullet
Die Google Satellitenkarten sind von Google und nur bei der privaten Nutzung mit deren Diensten Maps und Earth im Rahmen der Nutzungsbedingungen kostenlos. Andere Dienstanbieter - auch Locus - müssen teure Lizenzgebühren zahlen, wenn sie diese zur Verfügung stellen wollen. Auch in Locus 3 waren und sind sie nicht legal/offiziell verfügbar.
Ich finde es auch toll, dass man bei Locus pro bzw. 3 (jetzt Classic) bleiben kann, wenn einem das reicht. So wird niemandem etwas weggenommen, was er mal bezahlt hat. LM Classic und LM4 sind jetzt halt zwei verschiedene Apps. Für mich ist LM4 Gold richtig und es ist es mir wert. Zudem kann man ein Abo ja jederzeit kündigen, wenn man sich irgendwann anders entscheidet.
Es gibt doch inzwischen die Möglichkeit, LM4 Gold oder Silber für 1 Monat, 3 Monate oder 1 Jahr zu buchen mit Einmalzahlung und ohne automatische Verlängerung, also ohne ein Abo einzugehen.
Hi, I already use the Locus 3 Classic (ancient Pro) and I'd like to try the version 4. Can both of them be installed in parallel with no files conflict etc. ?
Thank you,
Hi, yes, they can be installed on one device without a problem.
Thanks for new features :)
But do you know if it will be possible to display surface type in the web planner. It is very useful specially when you want to plan a gravel bike trip.
thks again
Hi Anthony, yes, surfaces are in our plans for further improvements.
I do not like the subscription model (I do not like this tendency at all) and unfortunately the Locus team did not prepare anything for the owners of the PRO version.
So questions
- How long will the classic version be developed?
- will the classic version be severely reduced compared to the modern one?
Hi, that is not true - Pro owners automatically get a 100% discount on one year of LM4 Premium Silver and 50% for Gold. Locus Map Classic (former Pro) is maintained and updated. There are no concrete plans for abandoning it nor for reducing its features.
I come back after 24h with an apology. I did not notice the information about the special offer for PRO owners.
Apology accepted! Welcome back to Locus community :)
Czy da radę w web planerze dodać możliwość zaznaczenia w mojej bibliotece w danej grupie, wszystkich tras jednorazowo jednym znacznikiem - zaznacz wszystkie ? Pozdrawiam
I'm afraid not, the web browser possibly cannot handle too many tracks processing at once.
Dodawanie jednorazowej opłaty za silver i gold to strzał w kolano, nie utrzymacie tym serwerów. Poprawcie obliczanie tras locus dziwnie oblicza trasy prowadzi przez najdłuższe trasy nie chodzi o to by prowadził też przez lasy, ale żeby była możliwość wyboru różnych tras na podstawie dróg a nie tylko rodzaju roweru, wpisując daną miejscowość nie środkuje mi jej na mapie tylko gdzieś na końcu jej obrzeży. Live tracking mógłby by pokazywać jaka trasa nam została do pokonania pod warunkiem że wyznaczyliśmy ją wcześniej i nią jedziemy.
Adding a one-time fee for silver and gold is a shot in the knee, it won't keep the servers. Improve route calculation locus calculates the routes strangely leads through the longest routes, the point is not that it also leads through forests, but that it would be possible to choose different routes based on roads, not only the type of bike, entering a given place does not center it on the map but somewhere at the end its outskirts. Live tracking could show what route we have to cover, provided that we have set it earlier and we follow it
Hi, thank you for your ideas. Define them more exactly, place them on help.locusmap.eu and let other users vote for them. If they get sufficient support, we'll think about their implementation.
Sorry don't know where to comment. So I do it here.
The modification of Locus Map Pro in Locus Map Classic left me with big troubles.
My oldie and most useful GSAK Database for locus is no more working. I tried reversing to an old backup (via Titanium Backup) with no effect (seems the name change creates a problem).
Then I tried to find an old apk and install it, but that doesn't work. Also Titanium seems to be all lost and can't load the old backup.
So I can't go back to old backups, and can't use the new app with GSAK Database for locus. I'm still fighting to have the app correctly working (3 classic but w/o Gsak for locus) but I have folder issues now.
I do understand that maintaining upward compatibility is a mess for developers (thank you google) but until now I always did the "go on update to latest release", must say I'm not sure what I'll do in the near future.
Hi Axel, our helpdesk address is help.locusmap.eu. You can access it both from the web or from the app (menu > about app/helpdesk). As for the GSAK add-on compatibility, it is independent on the app name. I assume the problem is somewhere else. Write us at helpdesk and describe your set up in detail. WE'll do our best to help.
Hi, maybe I'm blind but how can I create new Folders for imported Tracks with the new Web App?
Hi Peter, folders can be created in the app only. Then synchronize the app with the web. We plan to add the required options during this year.
Hallo Locus Team, ich habe seit Jahren zwei Smartphone mit Locus Pro, jetzt Classic und bin damit sehr zufrieden. Nun möchte ich zusätzlich das LM4 auf einen Tablet als Navigation für Reisen betreiben. Muss ich da eine eigene Lizenz erwerben oder anders gefragt, auf wie vielen Geräten kann man es mit einer Lizenz nutzen?
Hi Jan,
Locus Map 4 has a different licensing than Locus Map Classic. It can be used for free in basic mode and then you can purchase Premium packages Silver and Gold with mode advanced features. For Locus Map Classic users we provide an exclusive discount of 100% for Silver annual subscription and 50% on Gold annual subscription. Just log in Locus Map 4 with the same account you used in Locus Store of Locus Map Classic. You can use as many devices as you like with the one Locus Store account.
Roczna subskrypcja się skończyła. Zasiliłem konto w Google Play kartą podarunkową ale tymi środkami nie mogę odnowić subskrypcji. Numerów karty kredytowej nigdzie nie podaje. To jak mam sobie przedłużyć subskrypcję? Zostaje stary poczciwy Clasic dla starego człowieka. Czy jest jakiś sposób na opłacenie bez podawania danych karty bankowej?
Hi, the payment options are solely on your local Google, see https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/2651410. Google Play is the only app distributor now. We are the app developers, we upload the app on Google Play and the rest is up on Google. Google promotes the app, Google sells it and leaves us with 66% of the revenue. That is all. So I'm sorry, I can't help.
Eine App mit einem Abo-Modell ist für mich ein absolutes NO-GO!!
Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass dies auch andere Nutzer so sehen.
Schade, es war eine Schöne Zeit.
Hi Hardy, OK, fair enough. Single-payment Locus Map Classic is still available on Google Play too. Enjoy! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=menion.android.locus.pro
wir (das heißt einige Freunde) würde Locusmap gerne für Fahrradreisen und zum wandern nutzen.
Das Abonnementmodell von Locusmap ist ein absolutes NoGo!
Wenn es eine Kaufoption gibt. Sehr gern!!
Leider haben wir auf der Webseite nichts der Gleichen finden können :(
Viele Grüße
Hi Max, there is a single-purchase Locus Map Classic version available on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=menion.android.locus.pro
What is persian language.farsi forget
Hi, Locus Map is translated to other languages by its users in a crowdsourcing project (see more at https://crowdin.com/project/menion/). If you speak English and you are willing to participate, you'll be welcomed. The best performing translators get rewarded at the end of each year.