19. 7. 2024

Specialties From the Locus Map Menu

You already know that Locus Map is a versatile and flexible tool that enables a wide range of uses. That…

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Locus Map 4.20 and other pre-Christmas news

Winter is in full swing outside our windows in the northern hemisphere, we've swapped our bikes and trekking boots for…

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New Locus Map 4.19 Heading for Even Better Route Planning

The new version of your favorite navigation app brings again some essential improvements. The most changes have been made to…

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Home screen, it’s not just the maps

Although the map is the main thing you see when you turn on Locus Map and what you need to…

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Locus Map, not only for hikers and bikers

During the 13-year history of Locus, we have encountered many interesting and even bizarre ways of using the application. Thanks…

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Locus Map 4.17 is packed with new features – new search, new LoMap generation and coloring!

Quite soon after the previous version 4.16, which brought mainly corrections and minor improvements, we are releasing the next version.…

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Take photos and help others discover the world!

The day's hike is going great, you still have 10 kilometers to go, and the sun is shining, but so…

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