Wiki manual for Locus

Dear users,

we are still thinking, what can we improve, because still si what to improve and now it is our manual for the Locus. We needed something, what is user friendly, clear and easy to editing, so we discovered DokuWiki and it seems ideal for both, for us and for you as users.

Advantages of the DokuWiki manual for Locus

  • clear, orientation according to the outline
  • data-low for viewing from the mobile devices
  • quickly and easily editable
  • users activity

We prepared three basic sections

  • Screens
  • Functions
  • Settings
  • Users activity

A few words to last point. Users activity means work of our users which want to share their methods with us all. Is needed registred and we give you access to editing “Users activity” section in your language. This section is in original language only.

So, since now, we moved all of the “Manual” section from homepage to Doku.Wiki

We will be happy to your comments and ideas to our new manual system.


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