Locus Map as a life style?

Michal, Locus team

It sounds a bit weird and fashion-like or a sort of cliché but nevertheless there must be something in it as we’ve just won Czech Application of the year award in the Life style category!

Just imagine… getting up in the morning I’m checking Locus Map weather forecast for today to help me decide what to put on. Driving to work I have to take a detour via a partner company on the other side of the town so I switch Locus Map navigation to find the most effective route and avoid known construction works on the roads. When leaving my car parked in a maze of streets as there’s no vacant place in front of my office, I mark its position with Locus Map parking function. A confused pair of backpackers stopped me for advice where the XYZ hostel is and I quickly showed them the way on Locus Map and headed for work.

After work I easily find my car with Locus Map and after getting back home I set out for my running workout. Of course with Locus Map! I had planned a new route the day before and now Locus Map navigates me along the way, records my track and tells me my average speed and heart rate in my earphones. Coming home Locus exports the track on Strava and after the shower my girlfriend is knocking on the door. She’d like to have a bike ride. Well, why not, let’s check my Locus Map track database if there’s something interesting… I’m mounting my mobile on the steering bar, Locus Map track recording is on, as well as the dashboard feature turning Locus into a cycling computer… In the evening we are watching our trip on Google Earth.

Well, if Locus Map is not my life style, it’s definitely a great part of it!



  1. Indrik
    22. 6. 2015

    If you will try to do everything, you will not be the best in anything.
    Forget weather forecast, parking, running etc. There are much better apps for that.
    Focus to be the best offline outdoor topo navigation.

    • mstupka
      23. 6. 2015

      Hi Indrik, on the contrary, we think it's just the versatility that makes Locus Map the best offline outdoor topo navigation.

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