1. Andreas
    26. 4. 2015

    It is great to have now IGN France maps on Locus Pro. However, especially in Auvergne or other urban areas you will not everytime glad with the current solution. For using the IGN maps is actually a data connection prerequisite and therefore, from a practical point of view, restricted online maps are not helpful outside of cities or popular places.

    Please make these IGN maps also available offline like Swisstopo.

    Thank you very much in advance for your efforts !!!!

    • mstupka
      26. 4. 2015

      Hi Andreas,current terms of use of IGN maps are as they are and its the first step. We are very glad that IGN maps are in our portfolio even in online mode as its not simple to convince the French to provide maps to a small non-French company. However we are doing our best to make offline IGN maps in Locus possible. Wait a few months,maybe we'll see a miracle :)

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